As a retailer, we independently set our prices. However, due to manufacturer restrictions, we sometimes can't display the price until you take further action.
As a retailer, we independently set our prices. However, due to manufacturer restrictions, we sometimes can't display the price until you take further action.
As a retailer, we independently set our prices. However, due to manufacturer restrictions, we sometimes can't display the price until you take further action.
As a retailer, we independently set our prices. However, due to manufacturer restrictions, we sometimes can't display the price until you take further action.
As a retailer, we independently set our prices. However, due to manufacturer restrictions, we sometimes can't display the price until you take further action.
As of August 2018, iHerb is using 3rd Party Independent Labs ABC Testing, Eurofins and Alkemist to test product. Using a 3rd Party Independent Lab guarantees that the results are objective and unbiased.
iTested confirms that the information provided on a product Supplement Facts Panel and/or Nutrition Facts Panel is correct. Products are also tested to confirm Clean Label Standards such as a Microbial Analysis and a Heavy Metal Analysis.
The test methods are referenced on each iTested product document.
Products will be tested every 6 months.